Keys to Installing Weft Extensions:

The installation method is one key aspect of caring for your weft extensions.

We strongly recommend that you instruct your stylist to observe the following key points, in

order to ensure that your weft extensions do not shed after installation,

  1. DO NOT pierce wefts with a needle. Sew the wefts in by looping and tying the weave thread under and over the weft in a blanket stitch method, If installing a sew-in weave.
  2. DO NOT split your wefts
  3. DO NOT cut your wefts. If you HAVE to cut your wefts, seal each cut weft end with weft glue.

Avoid cutting the wefts if at all possible.

Step 2: Post Installation Maintenance

Natural virgin hair stops receiving much-needed nutrients, which nourish and keeps the hair soft, shiny, and tangle-free once cut from a donor's head.

Therefore, it is vitally important to maintain and treat your natural hair extensions. With the application of the appropriate maintenance products, you can restore and maintain your weft' natural softness, and keep it shiny and tangle-free.

Proper care and maintenance of your wefts, by using the appropriate product range, will ensure that your hair extensions keep their luster and ensure a longer lasting use.

We recommend you use mild sulfate-free and silicone-free hair shampoos, conditioners, and Hair Tips products.

Step 3: Washing Your Virgin Brazilian/Cambodian Weave

  1. Apply a generous amount of Silicone-/Sulfate-free shampoo throughout your entire scalp.
  2. Using the tips of your fingers, gently massage your scalp (NEVER use your fingernails).
  3. Shampoo the hair in a downward motion, gently working the shampoo from the top down. This rubbing action and resulting friction will loosen dirt, product residue, and dandruff which can then be rinsed away.
  4. Rinse your scalp thoroughly afterward. While still massaging with your fingertips as you rinse. Be sure to remove ALL soap and suds.

Step 4: Coloring and Bleaching Hair

All of our weaves are made out of 100% human virgin/raw hair.

This means you are able to color or bleach them to virtually any color you like.

However, it's very important to remember that coloring and bleaching are both chemical-type processes, as a result, they can remove moisture from the hair, including hair extensions, which will cause them to become dry.

If you are using either the natural wave or straight hairstyles, you will have more freedom to undergo either of these processes, as these particular weaves do not undergo any form o chemical-type processing.

Step 5: Use light-based conditioner

Try using our coconut Hair Tips set. This is perfect for both Brazilian and Cambodian bundles.

Evenly and thoroughly, distribute the conditioner with a wide tooth comb, before washing.

Leave the conditioner in for the duration of your bath or shower, rinsing thoroughly afterwards.

Always comb your hair from the bottom, up.

Step 6: About Styling

Remember to always keep your extensions tangle-free.

Gently brush or comb your extensions, try to avoid any excess tension.

Always brush or comb your hair in small sections at a time, working from the bottom, up.

Your extensions will last much longer, the more carefully you treat them.

Always support your extensions when brushing or combing your hair.

Step 7: Drying Brazilian Hair

It is always best to allow your hair to naturally dry, rather than using a hairdryer.

This is the most general rule of thumb, and is especially the case if you are wearing a weave that is either curly or wavy.

Using a clean towel, pat your hair dry after you wash it, you should allow the rest of your hair to dry naturally afterwards.

If you are in a hurry and absolutely need to use a hairdryer, use the medium setting to minimize heat exposure.

Step 8: Sleeping With Weaves

Be sure to tie down and use either a silk or satin cap to cover your hair, if you have either the natural wave or straight weaves, before going to bed at night.

Before going to sleep and upon waking up you should:

  1. Braid your hair into a large loose braid at the back of the neck.
  2. Undo braid after waking up and spray hair with a water bottle to dampen it.
  3. Comb your hair through, again, always starting at the ends and moving upward.
  4. Allow hair air dry, then style as usual.

Do's and Don'ts:

DO remember to always seal your wefts. This is a priority, not an option, and should be done prior to any extension installation.

DO not split the weft. Many stylists like to do this - however, please understand that splitting wefts are not necessary and will do more harm to the hair than good.

DO trim the ends of the hair every 6 to 8 weeks or at the time of re-installation.

DON'T cut the wefts. If you do, remember to seal each end with weft glue immediately.

DON'T use bristle brushes, these have a tendency to latch onto hair fibers, ripping them from the weft and causing damage.

DON'T tie your hair back or pin up too tightly and never when it is wet. This pulls and stretches the hair wefts, causing it to shed and split.